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What is the 'Zohar'?

The Most Powerful Spiritual Guide

Revealed more than 2,000 years ago, the Zohar is a spiritual text that explains the secrets of the Bible, the Universe and every aspect of life.


Composed by kabbalist Rav Shimon bar Yochai, the Zohar defies definition. On a physical level, the Zohar is a set of twenty-three books, a commentary on biblical and spiritual matters in the form of conversations among spiritual masters. It is a voluminous guidebook to the lost divine nature of our souls. It is a compendium of virtually all information pertaining to the universe—information that science is only beginning to verify today. Its vast and comprehensive commentary on biblical matters has captivated spiritual and intellectual giants for over two millennia.


But its codes, its metaphors, its cryptic language are not given to us purely for understanding. They are designed as channels for energy. Like all holy books, the Zohar is a text that not only expresses spiritual energy, it embodies it.


To merely pick up the Zohar, to scan its Aramaic letters and allow in the energy that infuses them, is to experience what kabbalists have experienced for thousands of years: a powerful energy-giving instrument, a life-saving guide imbued with the ability to bring peace, protection, healing and fulfillment to those who possess it.

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